
Mar 28, 2011

Book Page Wreath

Can I just tell you how many people have commented on this wreath? No, probably not, because I've lost count. But we've gotten the good and the bad on this bad boy. "how interesting" "that's unique" "is it finished?" "did you know the words are showing??" "are you going to paint it now?" "is it staying like that?" but my favorite would have to be per my husband "it looks like a preschool project, I think I made one of those in preschool" THANKS haha jk I don't care what people say, obviously, because it now resides in the front entry. If nothing else, it is a conversation starter. And I love it. If you love it too you can make your own! (I will warn you, it took fooooorever. But I did have a newborn when I started it so I should factor in nursing time, getting my toddler off the table time, and so on and so forth...) Total Cost of this project=$2 Can't beat that!

I got this idea/tutorial from Living with Lindsay go check it out!
I'm linking here

Mar 23, 2011

Opened Shop

GUYS! I'm so excited! I finally figured out my etsy account ha! So, maybe I'm not too internet savvy...Anyways here is my link OR you can find it on the right...There are only my skirts/leggings listed so far but at least I've got it started right?!

Mar 22, 2011

Easter banner

Can you tell I'm really excited for Spring/Easter to come?? I may be a little too obsessed with banners lately. They're cheap/free, easy, and make a big impact. On top of that my girls love them! Brynlee alway's says "mom that is SO cute" so maybe that really is the reason why I love making them (who can resist that from their child, especially when I usually just get glares :) ) So, here is my Easter Banner:

  • I just used a 6x6 square and folded it in half to make the patter for the triangles.
  • I printed off the letters "Happy Easter" and cut them out in circles (I don't want to talk about the uneven circles bytheway)
  • I used blue paper as the background for the letters
  • Twine is what it is hanging on (twine is the best for hanging banner fyi...)
  • Last but not least I raided all of my scraps (I save every scrap, and it came in handy today. I'm telling you I may be the cheapest person there is but it pays off...sometimes.) and tied little pieces of fabric and ribbon in between letters.
  • This thing was super easy and my girls love it! I'm not going to lie though tying all those tiny ribbons took awhile...Luckily my girls took extra long naps today.






PS I just bought a bunch of new fabric to make some fun skirts! I'm excited to get them going!

Mar 18, 2011

Spring in my Step

I'm not going to lie, Fall has always been my favorite season. I mean come birthday, nice weather, changing leaves (if you drive awhile in AZ), Halloween, carving pumpkins...I could go on and on. I also love the colors and home decor of fall, BUT I have recently fallen in love with Spring and am SO excited that it's here. Seriously, the weather has been so good here lately, but I might cry if it gets up to 90 again anytime soon. for real. So anyways to celebrate I decided to make this adorable Spring wreath the other day during nap time (because when else are we going to get anything done?!) All I did was take a dollar store wreath, and wrap it with cream yarn. I added burlap and blue lace with buttons. (Some of these buttons were my Grandmas old buttons, Thanks Aunt Carolyn for saving these!! AND for giving me some :) ) Then just start filling in with flowers. I love all the different textures it has and the fun springy feel it brings my house!




Here & Here are the tutorials I used for some of the flowers. Hope you all are having fun getting your houses ready for spring!



New Additions!

I'm now adding the skirt/leggings that started this all! I had a vision that I wanted my daughter to wear for our family pics...This was it. The day we were supposed to take the pictures was the day I decided to start making her outfit. In fact I started at about 4:30. And we were losing daylight by the minute...needless to say these skirts have improved by leaps and bounds :) This skirt is layer upon layer of charcoal jersey and black lace ruffles...The leggings are black lace leggings (which I had looked everywhere for but couldn't I decided to start making them) Please excuse the less than proffessional photography. I by no means know what I'm doing but figured I could take one that isn't blurry??




Mar 17, 2011

Happy St Patricks Day!

I normally haven't decorated for St Patricks Day but having my kids get older makes every holiday so fun! I love that my oldest can recognize the signs of an upcoming holiday and always notices a new decoration. Love. It. Anyways here are my 2 decorations for St Patty's Day :)

PS the subway art was found here

*Sorry I don't know why it's so tiny ha:)

Mar 14, 2011

Cheap Storage?

Yes please! I have been trying to do a complete overhaul at our house. I never understood the whole "spring cleaning" feeling (could be due to have 2 children so close together), but I never had the energy or motivation. BUT this year I am really feeling it. And we have decided that we need to make this house (with zero storage might I add..) a little more livable. So after Christmas and receiving LOTS of little toys, I decided to it was time for some organization. Problem was, the budget was pretty close to $0. So here's what I came up with...old wipes boxes. I thought I was genius, until I've been seeing other people with the same idea.. HA So here are my repurposed, free, wipe box storage. Please excuse my organized mess I call my craft shelves :)

Here is a link to some super cute diaper boxes covered in canvas...very cute!

Mar 10, 2011

New Addition

Here's a new addition to the leggings page...Lace leggings trimmed with boa..adorable right??


Mar 9, 2011

Owl Softie



I found the tutorial for this little cutie on Make It and Love It's blog. I seriously love everything she makes...A definite follow-worthy blog. I'm sure you all have heard of it, but here is the tutorial and pattern for free! It seriously took like 15 minutes to make and I just used some scraps. I made it for my daughter's first birthday and my 2 year old had been stealing it ever since. I think it's about time to make another...

I'm Back :)

Hey Everyone! I decided to start this blog up again...after I had my first daughter I started this to sell some of the skirts I had made. It quickly dwindled after I got pregnant again, got put on bed rest and then had two children 18 months and under. Needless to say I didn't stop sewing but I've gotten a little more creative and have started to make more "fun" clothes for my girls. I get asked a lot where I buy their skirts, leggings, and hair I can say you can get there here at Sugar Baby! So go check out the skirt, legging and accessories pages to see some of the fun stuff you can get! I'm working on my etsy site so stay tuned but for now email me at to order anything! Also I'd love to do a custom piece for you. If you would like a certain color/size please email me and we can come with a very unique item for the darling in your life :) Another reason I started this blog was to show people where I get my inspiration. I always have people come to my house asking "How'd you make that?!" Let's get real here. I'm not very talented or crafty. I'm just really good at following directions. So watch out for some of the projects that I've found here in blogland and have made for my family and home. Thanks for stopping by!