
Mar 9, 2011

Owl Softie



I found the tutorial for this little cutie on Make It and Love It's blog. I seriously love everything she makes...A definite follow-worthy blog. I'm sure you all have heard of it, but here is the tutorial and pattern for free! It seriously took like 15 minutes to make and I just used some scraps. I made it for my daughter's first birthday and my 2 year old had been stealing it ever since. I think it's about time to make another...


  1. Lovely owl...
    You should check your sistersstuff link, it's not working properly...

  2. So cute! I'm obsessed with owls...going to check out the tute...

    If you have a moment tonight I'd love for you to share this with my readers: Creative Juice Thursday Party @ Momnivore's Dilemma. Party starts at 8 CST. Hope to see you there!


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