
Mar 22, 2011

Easter banner

Can you tell I'm really excited for Spring/Easter to come?? I may be a little too obsessed with banners lately. They're cheap/free, easy, and make a big impact. On top of that my girls love them! Brynlee alway's says "mom that is SO cute" so maybe that really is the reason why I love making them (who can resist that from their child, especially when I usually just get glares :) ) So, here is my Easter Banner:

  • I just used a 6x6 square and folded it in half to make the patter for the triangles.
  • I printed off the letters "Happy Easter" and cut them out in circles (I don't want to talk about the uneven circles bytheway)
  • I used blue paper as the background for the letters
  • Twine is what it is hanging on (twine is the best for hanging banner fyi...)
  • Last but not least I raided all of my scraps (I save every scrap, and it came in handy today. I'm telling you I may be the cheapest person there is but it pays off...sometimes.) and tied little pieces of fabric and ribbon in between letters.
  • This thing was super easy and my girls love it! I'm not going to lie though tying all those tiny ribbons took awhile...Luckily my girls took extra long naps today.






PS I just bought a bunch of new fabric to make some fun skirts! I'm excited to get them going!


  1. love this! I'm totally making one!!! :) And, I'm so excited to get working on skirts too!!!

  2. I WANT in on the skirt making party. yes, ok!!

  3. I have something for you at my blog, come check it out ;)


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