
Mar 14, 2011

Cheap Storage?

Yes please! I have been trying to do a complete overhaul at our house. I never understood the whole "spring cleaning" feeling (could be due to have 2 children so close together), but I never had the energy or motivation. BUT this year I am really feeling it. And we have decided that we need to make this house (with zero storage might I add..) a little more livable. So after Christmas and receiving LOTS of little toys, I decided to it was time for some organization. Problem was, the budget was pretty close to $0. So here's what I came up with...old wipes boxes. I thought I was genius, until I've been seeing other people with the same idea.. HA So here are my repurposed, free, wipe box storage. Please excuse my organized mess I call my craft shelves :)

Here is a link to some super cute diaper boxes covered in canvas...very cute!

1 comment:

  1. i use wipes boxes as storage but i wasn't crafty enough to think to make them cute!! love that!! totally doing it


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