
Mar 28, 2011

Book Page Wreath

Can I just tell you how many people have commented on this wreath? No, probably not, because I've lost count. But we've gotten the good and the bad on this bad boy. "how interesting" "that's unique" "is it finished?" "did you know the words are showing??" "are you going to paint it now?" "is it staying like that?" but my favorite would have to be per my husband "it looks like a preschool project, I think I made one of those in preschool" THANKS haha jk I don't care what people say, obviously, because it now resides in the front entry. If nothing else, it is a conversation starter. And I love it. If you love it too you can make your own! (I will warn you, it took fooooorever. But I did have a newborn when I started it so I should factor in nursing time, getting my toddler off the table time, and so on and so forth...) Total Cost of this project=$2 Can't beat that!

I got this idea/tutorial from Living with Lindsay go check it out!
I'm linking here


  1. I love it! Haha I remember when you were in the process of making it....Kyle was just cracking up. But you're way too crafty Camille and I envy you. When I'm as cute of a momm as you, I'll probably copy your ideas.

  2. Camille!

    I am featuring your book page wreath today so you might get some visitors from Classy Clutter!


  3. "That looks like a kindergarten craft". Ha ha. I'm so kidding. I love that wreath. It is so perfect!


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