
Oct 17, 2011

Winner Winner

Chicken Dinner!  I know I was supposed to post the winner on Friday but we decided to go North for a cabin trip and some cooler weather. While on said trip my phone decided to go into "recovery mode" whatever that is. It won't turn on without a computer, which we didn't have. We also didn't have a tv all weekend. But, it turned out to be one of our favorite trips yet! Without all of the electronics to distract us we had some quality family time. Wrestling the girls, swinging in the backyard, taking loooong naps, and walks galore. We saw elk and searched for a "pink bunny" because my oldest wanted to try and find one. It was good times. So now I am officially posting the winner. And I can not get the picture of the number to work so I will just tell you it's #32! Which means Samantha you're the winner! I'll email you this week to figure out how to get you your apron!! Congrats :)

Oct 11, 2011

Halloween Countdown Blocks

I got the idea here on Pinterest to make some countdown blocks. I was really excited because my husband had some extra wood on hand that was the perfect size. So I cut the blocks, modge podged some scrapbook paper to it, and then used my trusty friend's cricut to cut out the numbers and letters. I love how it turned out! I also love that it usually says something like "82 days til candy" because my kids love to play with them. Whatev! They still look cute and that's all that matters right?? Go ahead make your own! And while you're at it you should make your own modge podge because it works just as good and cost pennies :) Just mix 3:1 elmers glue to water. Or whatever ratio you want until you get a good consistancy...I got that idea from pinterest but apparently I forgot to pin it.  here is the website. Now go ahead and make your own blocks! We still have 20 days til Halloween!

Oct 9, 2011

BeWITCHing Halloween Craft

Yes, I just went there with the pun. I also know that I said I'd post a Halloween idea every day this month, but honestly who really believed me? Haha I always think I can do a lot more than what is really gonna happen. Today I'm going to show you a fun Halloween craft that the kids can help you with (or not if it will drive you crazy like it would me) But it is that easy people.

First, cut a shape out of burlap. I decided to do a curvy frame...

Second, Print off a picture of a  witch sillhouette. I seriously can't find the website from where I got this from. I've googled "witch sillhouette" a million times and now this particular one is lost forever but you can use any picture you want! Then trace around your shape with a sharpie.

Third, Fill in your sharpie picture with modgepodge (Be careful to get right up to the line, but you might have to fill in some holes later...) After you have covered the picture with modge podge you sprinkle your glitter on. Shake off the excess glitter onto a piece of paper so you can reuse it to fill in whatever holes there are...

Fourth, Take cardboard (Or a fruit snack box if you don't want to go to the store) and cover it with modge podge. Then put a piece of scrapbook paper onto the modge podge..

Last, you modge podge your witch sillhouette/burlap onto your paper and you are finished! I sprayed mine with hairspray to keep the glitter from falling off and it worked like a charm. String some ribbon through the top and hang it up! I still haven't decided where this little witch will go...

Hope everyone is getting excited for Halloween!
PS Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a ruffly apron HERE! Thanks!

Oct 5, 2011

Pumpkin Muffins

So I'm sure you've seen this pin floating around Pinterest lately. I decided I had to try them. I made some homemade pumpkin puree last year and figured I'd better use it up before this fall hits and I can make some more to replace it. So, I changed the recipe up just a tiny bit but it was still the easiest recipe I've ever made and was SO delicious. My husband and I may or may not have finished off 10 of them ourselves that first night. Here is the deal on how you can gain a couple pounds in a couple hours....

Homemade Pumpkin Puree
-2 pie pumpkins (I figure I should at least do 2 if I'm going to the trouble to do it, it should last me the rest of the year...)

*Cut your pumpkins in half and place them insides down in a pan. Fill the pan with about an inch of water. Cook at 350 for about 45 min. or until tender. Take your pumpkins out and scoop out all of the seeds. Throw them away or make some salted pumpkins seeds. Scoop your pumpkin out and place in a blender (the pumpkin should be so tender that it's very easy to scoop out). Blend it all up and place in separate bags. I just put it in 3 huge gallon sized bags. Turned out to be the worst idea I ever had. Since it was all thawed I had to use up 5 cups so we also got pumpkin pie this week. So, I suggest freeze in 2 cup increments.

Yummy Pumpkin Muffins
-2 cups pumpkin puree
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1 tsp pumpkin pie spices (nutmeg, cloves, etc.)
-1 box of yellow cake
-Chocolate chips (optional) I added this because I don't think pumpkin treats are the same without chocolate in them. My husband hates chocolate and pumpkin so I did half and half and they both turned out delicious!

*Cook as directed on box, sprinkle with some powdered sugar and enjoy :)

Easiest and fastest recipe ever!
PS Don't forget to enter my giveaway HERE! Thanks!!

Oct 4, 2011

Halloween Month Begins...

Yep, I know, I am once again late for the beginning of a holiday/season. Four days to be exact but who's counting? I decided that I would feature some type of Halloween{ish} post a day. And to kick it off I will share with you my halloween wreath I made the other day. I used this pin to make the wreath form. It was super duper easy and verrrry cheap. BUT I don't know how she got a perfect circle (Maybe hers didn't get run over by the car....just a guess)  Oh well it still worked out. All I did was take some leftover black fabric and black tulle and cut it into strips. I honestly just cut whatever sizes I felt like and then trimmed them down to the size I wanted. Then tied knots alternating 2 fabrics to 1 tulle. I'm thinking I like it! Stay tuned this week for more cheap/fun Halloween ideas :)


**Don't forget to enter my giveaway for your own Ruffly Apron!! HERE**

Oct 3, 2011


Hey friends! It's been awhile I know...I've been busy with my loads and loads of laundry, and cooking, and cleaning (what's gotten into me??) I used to never like to cook but maybe it's the thought that fall is coming soon!? But I've been baking up a storm. I have my favorite new recipe that I will be posting soon :) But for now I will leave you with a giveaway. I finally hit 100 followers woot woot! It's taken me foreeeever to decide what I'd giveaway and finally have concluded that I will be giving away a RUFFLY APRON to one lucky winner!


*Winner will be able to choose the color combo of their Ruffly Apron and have it shipped to their door :) All you have to do is be a follower of Sugar Baby Boutique and leave a comment saying so & tell me what color combo you would pick. Some extra entry options include:

-Blog about this giveaway (leave a separate comment saying you did)
-Facebook about this giveaway (leave a separate comment)

**That gives you 3 chances to win!! Thank you to everyone who follows my blog I love reading all of your comments and emails it makes my day! I will use to pick the winner on October 14th (which also happens to be my birthday...:) )