
Oct 9, 2011

BeWITCHing Halloween Craft

Yes, I just went there with the pun. I also know that I said I'd post a Halloween idea every day this month, but honestly who really believed me? Haha I always think I can do a lot more than what is really gonna happen. Today I'm going to show you a fun Halloween craft that the kids can help you with (or not if it will drive you crazy like it would me) But it is that easy people.

First, cut a shape out of burlap. I decided to do a curvy frame...

Second, Print off a picture of a  witch sillhouette. I seriously can't find the website from where I got this from. I've googled "witch sillhouette" a million times and now this particular one is lost forever but you can use any picture you want! Then trace around your shape with a sharpie.

Third, Fill in your sharpie picture with modgepodge (Be careful to get right up to the line, but you might have to fill in some holes later...) After you have covered the picture with modge podge you sprinkle your glitter on. Shake off the excess glitter onto a piece of paper so you can reuse it to fill in whatever holes there are...

Fourth, Take cardboard (Or a fruit snack box if you don't want to go to the store) and cover it with modge podge. Then put a piece of scrapbook paper onto the modge podge..

Last, you modge podge your witch sillhouette/burlap onto your paper and you are finished! I sprayed mine with hairspray to keep the glitter from falling off and it worked like a charm. String some ribbon through the top and hang it up! I still haven't decided where this little witch will go...

Hope everyone is getting excited for Halloween!
PS Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a ruffly apron HERE! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! Love for you to link these and any other of your great projects to Things I've Done Thursday, going on now until noon tomorrow!



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