
Oct 17, 2011

Winner Winner

Chicken Dinner!  I know I was supposed to post the winner on Friday but we decided to go North for a cabin trip and some cooler weather. While on said trip my phone decided to go into "recovery mode" whatever that is. It won't turn on without a computer, which we didn't have. We also didn't have a tv all weekend. But, it turned out to be one of our favorite trips yet! Without all of the electronics to distract us we had some quality family time. Wrestling the girls, swinging in the backyard, taking loooong naps, and walks galore. We saw elk and searched for a "pink bunny" because my oldest wanted to try and find one. It was good times. So now I am officially posting the winner. And I can not get the picture of the number to work so I will just tell you it's #32! Which means Samantha you're the winner! I'll email you this week to figure out how to get you your apron!! Congrats :)


  1. Hey there!

    I just wanted to let you know because I love your site so much that I decided to feature your button on my 'blogroll.'

    Thanks for all that you do,


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