
Nov 5, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

Hey everyone, happy Monday! I am hoping if I actually plan out my meals and record them I will follow through and start making dinner more often. I feel like the last two weeks have been full of Hot n Ready’s and Chipotle. I’ve been craving salad and home cooked meals and the thought of fast food makes me cringe. Time to get back on track with meal planning.
Monday: Taco Soup
Find the recipe here. Yu umm.
taco soup recipe[3]

Tuesday: Uncle Daves Pasta 

Wednesday: Sweet Pork Salads

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Haystacks

Saturday: Out (Date Night :) )

1 comment:

  1. I plan out my meal for the week as best I can, but my problem is i forget to get the meat out of the freezer early enough so I can cook it for dinner...oops


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