
Feb 29, 2012

Felt Bow Bonanza!

With all this extra time on my hands I decided I needed to do something a little creative. So, I may or may not have gone a little overboard on making felt bows. They’re so simple to make and are definitely a project I could do while laying in bed. I also have been borrowing my husbands laptop and am trying to figure out photoshop. Any tips for me?? What are the easiest tutorials to follow? I’m having a hard time figuring it out on my own…Anyways I decided to take looots of pictures so enjoy :) These little bows have been around a long time and are pretty much self explanatory but I figured I’d do a “tutorial” of pictures to explain how I make these little cuties. My girls have had fun trying on every color, which I love because they refuse to let me do their hair. At least if they’re wearing a bow it kind of looks like a tried right?? Hope you’re having a great leap day!


felt bow tutorial copyIMG_6350IMG_6353IMG_6359IMG_6366IMG_6361IMG_6405IMG_6407IMG_6384

Feb 27, 2012

I'm dreaming of a...

new table. Lately I've been obsessed with looking at dining rooms on pinterest. Why? I have no idea, maybe because right now I have the worst glass table in the world. Did you know that having a glass table is the bane of my existence? With 2 toddlers cleaning it is the absolute worst and it NEVER looks clean for longer than 2 seconds. So. I've decided the second I get off bed rest I will be on the lookout for a new table. I just can't decide what style to go with. Farmhouse table? Elegant? Traditional? Shabby Chic? Modern? Rustic? Am I the only one that can't decide on what theme to go with in your house?? I just love it all and can't choose one.  Here are some of the dining rooms I'm loving these days...

Anyone have good dining room pics to share with me?

Feb 25, 2012

Homemade laundry detergent?

Yay or Nay? I didn't want to try it at first thinking it wouldn't get the job done. I am a Tide girl through and through but when  my sister said she tried it and liked it I figured I'd give it a go. And the verdict is...yay! I love it! It gets the clothes just as clean as before for pennies! SO, if you are hesitant to try it I would have to say go for it. To get all of the supplies including a 5 gallon bucket it cost about $15. I've made around 4 huge batches without having to go to the store. It's really simple to make and it's worked for our family wonderfully.  Here is where I pinned the recipe. The only adjustments I made was I used more fels-naptha bar than the recipe called for. So has anyone else tried out the homemade laundry soap? What recipe do you prefer?

Feb 24, 2012

Easter is coming...

and since I have some time on my hands due to bed rest I decided I should finally make the second homemade Easter basket for my girls. Its the perfect hand sewing project I've been looking for and am glad I sewed all the strips together last year so all I have to do is sew up the basket. These Easter baskets turned out so cute and have become a purse/hat/basket for all year round. My girls are obsessed. So if you'll excuse me I am going to go watch some Downtown Abbey and hand sew to my hearts content :) Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Feb 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

So, I know I've taken a 5 month break...But it's been a little crazy around here. I'm pregnant {24} weeks and have been on bed rest for the last month & a half. I've been trying to keep myself busy with movies, netflix, books, you name it...but I'm starting to get the creative itch again and think it might be good for me to focus on crafting again (things I can do from my bed of course and things I already have on hand, since sending my husband to the craft store might be the worst idea ever.) I'm not making any promises because who knows how often I will post but figured I'd put up some pictures of my minimal Valentines decor this year. It's kind of been fun trying to figure out crafts I can do with the supplies I already have, interesting but fun. For example, my wreath is made out of a diaper box...and burlap & tissue scraps. I hope you all are having a wonderful Valentines Day today and spending it with those you love :)

*this Valentine's banner is made using the same tutorial as my spring banner HERE*
*I found this fun bunting on Pinterest here, but left out the buttons and hot glued ric-rac to the top*
*I'm sure you've also seen this taffy centerpiece floating around pinterest. So cute and So simple to make. My cute MIL gave me the supplies to make this one and ended up being a fun craft do in bed...*