
Aug 5, 2011

My Goodwill Find

So while I've been switching everything up in our house I decided to make half of our closet into my craft area...Not ideal, but not too bad either. At the moment I was taking up 3/4 of our closet, so I went through and gave a ton up to goodwill. I had a huge black garbage bag full of clothes and shoes to donate and after I dropped it off, decided to wander in for a little. I walked in and found the perfect sewing table to fit in my closet. Woohoo! The guy said he had brought it in only 10 min before I got there. And it was half off day so it was only $20. Score! So I loaded it up and took it home. My husband and I were trying to move it in the house and it was ridiculously heavy. So, we looked in the drawers and lo and behold they were full of stuff! Me being a secret hoarder was in heaven looking through everything. From vintage lace, to old patterns and newsletters from the 40's, loads of elastic, and all sorts of dressmaker supplies. There were literally hundreds of pins and 6 pincushions. I put most of the stuff right back in a box for goodwill but there were definitely some treasures that I am ecstatic about! Here are some pictures. Oh and my lace trim supply was getting out of hand so I decided to organize them. All I did was take some cardboard boxes and cut out holders for them, wrapped my lace around and secured it with a pin. Now they're all nice and neatly organized :)
I'm thinking this needs to be a sunny yellow...thoughts?


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