
Apr 29, 2011

DIY Blue Mason Jars

I love love love the look of all of the blue jars out there...especially antique mason jars. adorable. I had seen a lot of people that had painted the jars or swirled paint on the inside to get colored jars and I loved them but I wanted the look of the antique clear blue. So I googled and googled and found someone who had used Modge Podge and food coloring. Here is the one I liked the best! She has a very easy tutorial to follow...Anywho here are the ones I made for my daughter's first birthday and I have been using them for everything I can think of ever since!


Here's how to get the same look:
1. Gather as many glass jars you can find :) (ie: salsa, pasta sauce, get the point!)
2. Get some modge podge & food coloring
3. Pour some modge podge, water & some drops of food coloring into your first jar (you might need to play around with the ratios a bit. I think I ended up liking 2 blue to 1 green the best. But, play around and see what suits you!)
4. Sloooowly turn the modge podge around the jar until it has covered the entire inside. Don't be afraid of what it looks like now because once it dries it will look fabulous...Just try not to get huge drip marks (I would know...)
5. Once your first jar is done, pour any excess colored modge podge into your next jar and cover the inside of that one. And so on and so forth. If you run out just add more modge podge and more food coloring and keep on going!
6. Once you're done with a jar tip it over on newspaper to dry while you work on the others. If you are impatient like me, you can pop your jars into the oven while on wark to dry them super quick!

These are great for centerpieces, shelves, and any type of decor! Just don't put water in, I'm not sure how that would take. I always use fake flowers in them, or branches look great too!


  1. Wow. That is a really cool idea! I found you at 504main link party!

  2. I've become Jar obsessed lately. This is beautiful. I love it!!

  3. I like colored jars as well and am getting hooked on blue lately. I will have to try this one. Great idea!!

  4. These turned out so pretty! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Very pretty and creative. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Amazing, thanks for the tip. They turned out gorgeous. Visiting from FJI.

  7. Omg so easy! I use tons of those jars with my slow cooker recipes and I had no idea that I could make them gorgeous vases so easily...thanks for the inspiration!

  8. I just picked up some actual blue Mason jars at a rummage sale today, but this is a great idea to use to get the same look. Love it!

  9. BRILLIANT!!!!! Thanks for sharing your great idea!!! They look fabulous!

    xoxo laurie

  10. Amazing thank you for sharing I can't wait to try this!!!

  11. How clever, love the antique look. Well done. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog. Hugs and wishes for a beautiful day ahead. Katherine

  12. This is simply amazing! I love mason jars as well, especially in this shade of blue. I love the contrast between the blue glass and the pink flower... beautiful!Thanks for sharing the how-to guide. I'm visiting from My Romantic Home. Stop by sometime.~Poppy

  13. try putting water in one and tell us what happens....great for wedding reception tables!

  14. What a great idea! Your colors turned out lovely. Just the right shade. :)

  15. This is genius! please come on over and link up to MMM :)

  16. That is awesome!!! I want to try doing this so bad. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Come visit me over at!!!

  17. Clever idea! I hope you'll come over and link it up...

  18. I just tried your DIY blue mason jar tutorial! It worked pretty good. Minus my food colouring issue... thanks again! I'm really happy with how they turned out.
    If you'd like to see, come by

  19. man this is an awesome idea!! and i just bought glass paint too :( ugh!

  20. they turned out great...I made some a while ago...didn't use the oven. I am in love with them and use them every where as well...xo


  21. ahhhh! i'm so excited to try this!

  22. Great idea! They look really cool!

  23. This looks great. I have seen many posts on this but with mod podge on the outside.

  24. I really want to try this! Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing in the DIY party! ;)


  25. This was a great idea! It looks better than glass paint! Great job- thanks for sharing!

  26. I was just wondering how much Mod Podge you needed for the largest Jar. I'm trying to determine how much this project will use. Thanks!

  27. Amazing! I love Mason jars and have a few, but never thought I could do this with clear ones. Love the blue color of them so I've got to try this!! Thanks for sharing such a great idea!!

  28. Hi Becca! I'm not sure...I just used about an inch in the bottom of my first jar...a little bit of water (maybe a tsp?) and then food coloring until I got the right color. Ha! Sorry it's not too precise and/or helpful! For all of my jars I didn't even use half of my bottle of modge podge. If you end up making some I'd love to see the end result!

  29. Really cute idea! I'm going to make some


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